Defining Issues

Defining Issues

Many brethren are concerned about the dramatic changes taking place in churches of Christ all across the country. Fundamental and significant doctrines are being compromised, error seems rampant and in places some churches of Christ seem to be determined to become little more than another denomination.

At Westside we are very concerned about these trends. However, we have a deeper perspective on these matters. We believe that much of what is going on among churches of Christ today is a direct result of loose attitudes toward Bible authority that were begun with innovations in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Some are sure that the problems among brethren are brand new, but we are just as sure that they are nothing but the “reaping” that comes with “sowing” ( Gal. 6:7). Mistakes were made in the past that are bearing bitter fruit today.

That’s why if the Lord’s people truly want to be what Jesus requires we believe there must be a fresh look at all our practices, all our works, and all that we are doing. Brethren who have objected to some very common practices, like the sponsoring church arrangement, have often been vilified as cranks, crackpots, and “anti’s.” This is not only unfair and un-Christ-like, it ignores that these brethren are part of congregations that are free from the incredible liberalizing and denominational trends seen now in so many mainstream churches of Christ. Further, while some want to believe “those anti’s” will wither and die on the vine it just isn’t happening. Instead, non-institutional churches are growing everywhere as their simple, back to basics approach makes the simple Gospel appeal of old once again. Could there be something about a non-institutional approach to Christianity that is correct? We invite your study of these issues and want to provide you with the best possible information to help you. Let’s study carefully that we might truly be the Christians our Lord desires!
